Summer Closures
03 Jul 2019
As you will be aware the summer holidays are approaching.
The last session will be Wednesday 17th July
First Session of New Season & all sessions recommence from: Wednesday 3rd September
There will be summer training sessions on Wednesday 21st & 28th August at your swimmers normal times.
Just a brief message to let you know about the Summer Closures, as detailed above.
It is advisable that younger swimmers particularly take a break from swimming at some point in the year, and the Summer is a great time to do this, given the light nights and long days. Outdoor activities such as cycling, walking and running are great ways to stay in shape and keep fit, ready for the new season. It is also a good idea to give yourselves some emotional recovery time as the gala season is pretty full on, so be gentle with yourselves, rest and recover ready for the start of the new training year.
Any queries please email [email protected]
Have a great summer!